
What Ted Williams Did For The Addicted & Homeless And Doesn't Know It Hot News Digital

Ted Williams, who was left homeless after his life was ruined by drugs and alcohol, and living in a tent near a highway in Columbus just days ago, has quickly became an online sensation after the Dispatch posted a clip of him demonstrating his voice-over skills while begging by the side of the road. After being offered jobs with the Cleveland Cavaliers as an announcer, receiving an appearance on the "Today Show" and even getting lightweight 'slammed' by Meredith Vieira by being called 'delusional', Ted has made whirlwinds both offline and on, while bringing something else maybe he isn't aware of: hope for the addicted and/ or homeless person. Hot News Digital
After eventually losing his radio job due to substance abuse issues, Ted now has 2 solid years of 'clean time', and by actually putting forth the effort to make his talents visible, he has given a voice to the homeless person, drowning in a sea of uncertainty about manners as where to find the next meal or how to stay warm. This voice has carried across the nation, and - being one that had a brief stint with homeless myself - people like Ted will be given the courage to step forward and showcase their skills, seek help and be a voice to others that are in addiction. Hot News Digital

I commend Ted for what he has done. It would make me a nervous wreck to appear on national TV to be cross-examined by the 'well to do'. And, despite a recent petty theft arrest, he remains still a heavy candidate for the announcer position with the Cleveland Cavaliers organization. Citing his new found spirituality as a catapult out of his dismal situation, I encourage all persons, homeless, addicted, scared and seemingly out of hope to look closely at the steps Ted has made and, with or without his recent media coverage, know that he was on his way out of the life of sadness, into a brigher, light of hope. Hot News Digital
And, finally, being one that also struggled with early alcoholism, I suggest and encourage all those in addiction to attend AA/NA meetings and seek sponsorship. And, as Ted closes out the article in the Huffington Post, he leave us all with this short, endearing thought:  "I just hope," he said, "everyone will pray for me." Hot News Digital

I, myself, definitely will. As I will pray for all of you that are still where Ted was.

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